The mango is grilled and seasoned with honey, lime, and aleppo pepper.

Grilled mango with honey, lime, and Aleppo pepper is a delicious combination of sweetness, tanginess, and spice. Make this tasty dessert with this easy recipe:

Ingredients: 2 peeled, sliced ripe mangoes Two tablespoons honey One lime juice 1 tsp Aleppo pepper (or red pepper flakes) A pinch of salt Optional garnish: fresh mint leaves

Instructions: Heat your grill to medium-high. Whisk honey, lime juice, Aleppo pepper, and a pinch of salt in a small bowl until well blended. Glaze your grilled mango with this.

Brush the mango slices on a dish or tray with the honey-lime glaze, coating both sides. When the grill is hot, carefully arrange mango slices on the grates.

Grill mango slices for 2-3 minutes per side until grill marks show and they are slightly caramelized and softened. Place the grilled mango slices on a dish. For added flavor, drizzle any remaining glaze over grilled mango slices.

Try adding fresh mint leaves to the grilled mango for color and freshness. Serve heated grilled mango as a dessert, side dish, or salad, yogurt, or ice cream topping.

Every bite of this honey, lime, and Aleppo pepper-seasoned grilled mango is sweet, tangy, and fiery!

A creative and delightful fruit dessert, this meal is excellent for summer cookouts, picnics, or any occasion to impress.


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