In summer, eating is crucial to staying cool and avoiding dehydration and heat exhaustion. In hot conditions, thermogenic meals can make you feel hotter. Not just spicy meals can raise body heat; others might too. To stay cool in heat, limit these foods and drinks.
Spicy Foods: Capsaicin, found in chili peppers, triggers a warming effect in your body. While this can be beneficial in cooler climates, it might be uncomfortable during the summer.
High-Protein Foods: Digesting protein-rich foods like red meat requires more energy, which in turn generates more body heat. Opting for lighter protein sources like legumes or fish might be more comfortable in the heat.
High-Fat Foods: Similar to proteins, fats are dense in calories and require more energy to digest, thus increasing body heat. Foods high in saturated fats, like fast food, butter, and cheese, can contribute to this effect.
Caffeinated Beverages: Caffeine increases metabolism, which can raise your body's core temperature. Reducing coffee, tea, and energy drinks might help you stay cooler.
Alcoholic Beverages: Alcohol can lead to dehydration and affects your body’s ability to regulate temperature. Enjoying a cold beer might seem refreshing, but it could make you feel warmer over time.
Nuts and Seeds: While they are healthy, nuts and seeds are also high in fat and protein, making them harder to digest and potentially warming you up from the inside.
Garlic and Onions: These have thermogenic properties that can increase body heat, so you might want to use them sparingly when cooking during hot weather.